How to Use Personal Branding to Land More Clients

Some of the most successful people have used their personal brand to build their career and lead their company – Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, and Oprah Winfrey – just to name a few.

People don’t do business with a company, they do it with people – and they especially do it with people they like. Your clients need to have a feeling that they know who you are and what you’re about.

Personal branding is the perfect tool for small business marketing strategies. Don’t think that this is only something for influencers. Having a clear and compelling personal brand will help grow your business exponentially while building long-lasting relationships with clients.

What is a personal brand?

A personal brand is how you present yourself to other people. It’s your reputation, your story, your values, and your goals. It’s everything someone remembers when they hear your name. When it comes to being online, hiding anonymously behind a company logo doesn’t help you be memorable or stand out from the competition.

Personal brands aren’t only about marketing yourself to potential clients, but it’s also about building relationships. One of the goals anyone should have when creating a personal brand is to create a social network of other professionals in their industry or even related industries. You can do so by taking the time to engage with others. Send a personalized message or leave a thought-provoking comment on a post. In a world of copy and pasted cold emails and messages, this will be a breath of fresh air for most people. I know you know what I’m talking about because they clutter your LinkedIn inbox all day long.

Another thing a personal brand can do for you or any small business marketing strategies is develop trust. You’ll come across as more authentic and people will be more likely to work with you.

Building your personal brand in 4 steps

 1.  Put a face to your company

Before you start creating your personal brand, you need to figure out how you want others to see you. Here are some questions to get you thinking:

  • Do you look like you know what you are doing?
  • How can you look more like you belong in the industry you are marketing in?
  • How can you leverage your reputation/past experiences?
  • What is unique about you?
  • Who are you?

Personal branding, to put it simply, is selling yourself. Think about how your story makes you a potential asset to your clients. Expand on how you can offer a different perspective or why you should be considered the expert.

2. Share Authentic Stories

Many companies don’t know this, but you don’t have to pretend your brand is perfect. In fact, you really shouldn’t. People appreciate it when you’re real. And these days, they actually expect it from the companies they buy from. Don’t be afraid to share failures, challenges, or lessons that you’ve learned on your journey. Shared pain is “social glue” that can resonate with your audience and form a stronger bond. 

Here’s an idea for you to try out: Share a story of a previous customer who was struggling and how you/your company helped improve their problem with your products or services. 

3. Define your core values

Defining your core values is essential to building your personal brand. It’s the glue that holds it all together. When I’m talking to potential clients, I’m always checking to see if their values align with my own. A few of mine are respect, trustworthiness, and willingness to grow together long term.

Clearly defining your core values will help you remain consistent with how you market yourself to other people. It’ll help make it clear what you should expect from others and what others should expect from you. Note: Setting clear expectations is the first and most important part of any successful partnership.

Only define a few core values that are the most important to you. Make it as simple as possible for others to build an impression of you. Here are a few examples of core values you might use.

4. Create a personal brand statement

This is when you really get to tie it all together. Come up with a sentence that states what you do, who you do it for, and how you provide value. This can be something you put on your LinkedIn or personal website, or you don’t even have to share it at all.

The main point of crafting a personal brand statement is combining everything that makes your personal brand into something concise and marketable.

Make it memorable and appeal to the people you want to interact with. Say it in a way that will connect with them and your personal brand will do wonders for you and your business.

Need help consistently building your personal brand online? That’s what I specialize in. Book a free consultation here.

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