Tampa Web Development Bootcamp

Social media/content marketing, paid ads, blog writing

Blubird Marketing is an enthusiastic and talented digital marketing company. I was truly impressed by Lauren’s ability to dive in and tackle any marketing project – be it social media strategy, email marketing, lead generation, content creation, advertising, or SEO. I recommend her to those looking to amplify their digital presence.

Kiki Roeder

CPO of Punctuate & Co-Founder of Startup Sisters USA

The Problem

This Tampa-based tech startup lacked a solid marketing strategy and plan for growth.Their biggest goal was capturing brand awareness and letting people in the community know that they exist. At the time, they had class sizes of about 8-10 people.

The Solution

The Results

From this, we saw a 2x increase in social media engagement, improved organic search results by ranking on page 1 for three different high volume industry keywords, and increased web traffic by 300%. Ultimately, by the end of this project, their class size had gradually grown from 8-10 to 20-21 students.