Instagram is all the talk these days, but other channels can be absolute gold mines when it comes to reaching your target audience and gaining more leads. This is the first blog of a series that will break down each major social media platform and exactly how your B2B company can use it effectively.
A blanket approach to your social media marketing isn’t going to grow your bottom line or keep your pipeline filled with leads. Most companies auto post the same thing across four or five different platforms. Their Twitter is filled with auto-posted tweets that link to their latest blog. This is okay, but it’s not exactly what your dream customers are looking for and it won’t build a community or interaction.
How is Twitter Different?
You probably know this already but if not, Twitter is a fast-paced environment and much more candid than other platforms. A tweet only has an average lifetime of fewer than 30 minutes. This channel is where people will go to tweet random thoughts, praising brands they love, as well as discussing issues they’re having with companies or software.
With Twitter being so candid, this is a great opportunity to connect with prospects and partners in a real way. Read on to learn how to do this and other effective ways to use this platform…
1. Interact with potential clients and partners
Twitter is an easy way to get a conversation started. You can search up relevant industry terms and hashtags to see what people are saying. From there, you can answer questions people might have or share your brand’s two cents on the topic. This is a natural way for brands to become part of the conversation.
Here’s why people follow brands:
Feature updates of product/service
Helpful industry-related tips
2. Gives a real-time look into what people are saying about your business and industry
You don’t always need to be part of the conversation. Twitter can also be a very powerful tool for market research. Listen in on conversations about your company, competitors, and industry. This can really help with future content.
3. Build brand awareness and build your network
You have a stellar product or service, but part of the problem is getting others to know you exist. By showing up on Twitter, you’re building awareness and building a network of relevant accounts. If you don’t know where to start, follow people who are already following brands similar to yours.